Cleaning Compounds:
Designed to assist in cleaning and also provide corrosion protection. Dry & liquid cleaning solutions. Compounds for all substrates.
Descaling Compounds:
Designed to remove oxides, scale, and rust in mass finishing processes. Dry & liquid descaling solutions. Compounds for all substrates.
Deburring Compounds:
Designed to provide lubrication in mass finishing operations. Dry & liquid deburring compounds. Compounds for all substrates.
Burnishing Compounds:
Designed to enhance brightness and develop certain colors. Dry & liquid burnishing compounds. Compounds for all substrates.
The Synergy of Compounds
Mass finishing compounds are solutions added to mass finishing processes to assist in cleaning, deburring, burnishing, descaling, and inhibiting corrosion. These compounds can come in liquid and powder form and are crucial to the effectiveness of a mass finishing application. You must take into account combining the correct mass finishing equipment and mass finishing media with the right compounds is crucial to a successful finishing operation.
An Effective Cleaning Compound Should:
- Remove soils, oils, grease from the incoming part
- Should also provide corrosion resistance for ferrous and non-ferrous metals
An Effective Deburring Compound Should:
- Suspend the small particles created when deburring and abrading parts
- Keep workpieces clean and inhibit corrosion
An Effective Burnishing Compound Should:
- Keep workpieces clean and inhibit corrosion
- Enhance and develop certain colors
An Effective Descaling Compound Should:
- Remove oxides, scale, and rust from the incoming part